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Program Curriculum

HLI's Healthcare Leader Certificate Program teaches the most important management and leadership skills necessary for success in today's healthcare environment. The program consists of eight classes, post-class assignments, and numerous tools that help leaders apply the skills to their jobs. See below for more information about each class.

Clapping Audience
Business Woman Smiling


Managing & Leading:
The Path Toward Exceptional Leadership

What makes a great manager? What makes a great leader? Are the roles mutually exclusive? This first class in the Healthcare Leader Certificate Program helps participants understand what great leadership looks like by analyzing management and leadership competencies, explaining leadership styles, and discussing the four prerequisites for leadership success. 

Male Speaker


Communication Skills for the Healthcare Leader 

One of the most important skills for any leader is the ability to move people to action. In this class, participants learn how to adjust their message so it has maximum impact on the audience. In the first half of the class, we focus on how personality styles affect communication between individuals; in the second-half of the class, we discuss numerous best-practices for communicating important messages to groups. Real-life communication successes and failures are discussed throughout the class.

Job Interview


Managing Performance Throughout the Lifecycle of the Employee

Performance Management spans the entire lifecycle of the employee from pre-hire through termination. In this class, participants learn how to attract, retain and engage high-performing employees by following best-practices in interviewing, onboarding, coaching, evaluating, and succession planning.

Giving a Presentation


Managing Change in Complex, Fast-Paced Environment

Hospitals and healthcare systems are experiencing change like never before, and it’s the healthcare leader that’s responsible for managing that change. This class teaches Change Management strategies designed for front-line and mid-level leaders----those who are charged with managing change that’s usually been initiated by others.

Meeting Room


Increasing Individual & Team Productivity 

In this class, participants learn Time Management strategies that promote the efficient use of organizational time----not just their own time but every employee's time. When leaders focus on saving their staff’s time, their peers’ time, and their supervisors’ time---individual and team productivity skyrockets.

Young Businesswomen


Managing Disruptive Behavior and Conflict within the Team

In many healthcare organizations, disruptive behavior, lateral violence and bullying are endemic, and these behaviors lead to a host of problems including high turnover, absenteeism, low productivity, and poor-quality care. In the first half of the class, leaders learn strategies for building a collaborative, team-based culture where negative behaviors are rare. In the second half of the class, participants learn how to facilitate crucial conversations with those exhibiting disruptive behaviors, so the outcome is positive and long-lasting.

Two Men in Office


Building a Culture of Ownership and Accountability

An accountable culture is difficult to achieve, but when an organization succeeds, the returns are enormous. This class is separated into three sections: building personal accountability, building staff accountability, and building peer accountability. In the end, even small individual gains at the manager-level will result in long-term culture change.



Continuing One's Journey Toward Leadership Greatness

In this final class, participants learn strategies for continuing their leadership learning throughout the remainder of their careers. The class ends with an interactive game that covers most of the concepts taught throughout the Healthcare Leader Certificate Program. 

Chess Game


Developing and Executing a Successful Strategic Plan

A Strategic Plan is a roadmap that guides an organization toward its Vision. A department without a Strategic Plan is like a tourist without a travel plan; both can waste valuable time and money on less important activities. This class explains how to develop and execute a successful Department Strategic Plan that's aligned with the organization's Vision.


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